User Downloads Area Access


There is now a Download section for Ciphertex products. In this section you will find User Manuals and software utilities.

To access the Download Area you must create a verified User Account and Login.

To create the account, click on the "Sign in" button and create a new account if you are a new User.

If you have previously created a Help Ticket or sent an email to Ciphertex Technical Support, then you have created an unverified account. Follow the instructions on the "Sign in" page to get a password for your account.

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    J. Manuel Lara

    Hello. I have searched and I find references (like this article) to the download section, but not the download section itself. I have already signed in, but I can't find the download section. Could you publish the link? Thank you.

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    If you have logged in with a verified account and password then your ID will show in the upper right side of the main page.
    The Downloads section will appear below the Search Bar area above all of the FAQs and Notes.

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