What are the restrictions for username and password creation?



What are the restrictions for username and password creation?



For the username the following rules apply.
The username must not exceed 32 characters.
It is case-insensitive and can contain double-byte characters, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean except: " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > ` '

For the Password the following rules apply.
The password is case-sensitive and can be a maximum of 16 characters long.
It is recommended to use a password with at least 6 characters.
There are additional restrictions that can be enabled.
Go into the Administration GUI and Select "System Administration -> General Settings".
The fifth Tab on the right side is labeled "Password Strength".
This screen allows you setup extremely strong password checking including the requirement for Upper/Lower case characters, Digits, and special characters.
Additionally, restrictions against repeated characters and permutations of the Username can be enabled.

This is documented in the User Manual that is included on the Product CD.

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