Problems accessing NAS files via FTP using Internet Explorer.



I tried to access some files on the Ciphertex NAS via FTP by Internet Explorer but the file names are displayed incorrectly and I could not access the files. Why?



This is probably due to a limitation of Internet Explorer.
When you access the files on an FTP server via IE, IE retrieves the information of the files, e.g. owner of the file, the user group that the owner belongs to, and last modified etc.
However, when the there is a space in the user group name, e.g. Power Users, IE recognizes the first word as the user group name and the word after the space as the value for the next variable.
Therefore, the file names are displayed incorrectly.
To view the files correctly, you can use FTP clients, like FileZilla, or Mozilla Firefox to access the FTP site.
You can also modify the user group name and delete the space characters in the name.
Note that you must have the administrator right to change the group name.

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