I am having problems with RW or RO access rights on a User account.



Why am I not able to log in to a share with a user account? I already gave the account RW or RO access rights.
Why am I able to write into a share with a user account? I only gave the user account RO access rights.



The most likely answer to the above two questions is the same; the access right priority.
There is probably a conflict with Groups access rights.
Groups access rights have priority over user rights.


Example 1:
“UserA” is a member of “UserGroup”.
If you give “UserA” RW or RO access right to the “Public” share folder and at the same time you set “UserGroup” to Deny for “Public”, then the resulting access right for “UserA” is Deny.


Example 2:
“UserB” is a member of “UserGroup”.
If you give “UserB” RO access rights to the “Multimedia” share folder and at the same time you give “UserGroup” RW access right to the “Multimedia” share folder, then the resulting access right for “UserB” is RW.

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